vendredi 7 juin 2019

How To Enjoy Your Bowron Lake Trips

By Donald Cole

If you would like to paddle in the wilderness, look for the best site that will provide you with the best experience. The canoe route you choose should be adventurous and give you the best experience. Bowron lake trips are one of the most exciting tours you can take. The west side of the circuit can take two to four days to paddle. This side is suitable for people that do not want to take the more significant challenge of the entire route. Many people recommend this circuit as it will give you the best canoeing experience. Below are things you should know before you take off.

The first thing you should know is that you will not have the comfort of your home. Therefore, you should pack light. As much as you want the tour to be luxurious, consider the things to carry and the ones to leave behind. You will spend almost the entire day canoeing. Hence, the items you carry should not be a bother to you.

You will meet very few people during the tour. This is because very few people canoe at the circuit. Thus, if you are paddling alone, you will feel very lonely. More so, you can canoe for hours without meeting any paddler. That is why you should visit the circuits if you do not want to feel lonely. Also, you can visit the southern sites if you want to meet people.

The weather in the lakes is very unpredictable. Therefore, you should prepare accordingly. Always have a tarp and rain gear with you as it can rain at any time. You may have a sunny and calm morning, but the afternoons become windy and rainy. You should, therefore, be ready for any weather during the trip.

You may start rushing to look for an excellent site to pitch your tent and end up missing the best sceneries. Due to the limited number of visitors or paddlers, you can never run out of camping sites. Thus, if you should visit all the places you want and paddle as long as you want. Later, you can look for a perfect location to pitch your tent and settle for the night.

You may have hopes to meet wildlife during the tour but end up being disappointed. The circuit is not a zoo. Thus, you may not meet the animals face to face. If you are lucky, you can spot their prints along the beaches and campsites. Additionally, make yourself as comfortable as you can.

Never forget to carry your camera during the adventure. The scenery at the circuit is mind-blowing, and it will be a waste if you do not capture them on camera. Thus, buy a quality camera to take the best shots that you will later show off to your friends.

The waters are crystal clear and very attractive for swimming. You should thus schedule your swimming so that you can have the time to paddle. Also, choose the best site to camp so that you can wake up to beautiful sunny mornings with a mountain view.

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