mardi 11 juin 2019

Herbs And Spices Which Are Found On Australian Food

By Brian Miller

When you talk about exoticness of flavors, you should know that dishes from Australia has all kind of those. They do have some kind of distinct touch on how they prepare their foods and its weirdly complementary with each other that is really hard to not love them. But, behind every traditional Australian food recipes are herbs they are usually using for the flavors they try to exude.

Probably you are wondering what those herbs they have are that makes the dish they serve extra special and savory. Some of these spices has been long there and it has been part of their tradition to use it. In fact, there are several of them which only are found in the country and is totally unique.

Their spices are also famous for its health benefits. There are certain ailments which this kinds of herbs are capable of curing. So basically speaking, when you add it in your food regularly then you maintain a healthy body and away from certain kinds of sickness. And with that, its interesting to know some of the list of herbs and spices they get to use.

They have lemon myrtle which is generally some kind of lemon but the flavor it has is somehow like a lemon lime. This is highly versatile herb and may be used as ground or in dried form or even have it fresh. They are usually added on sauce, marinades, sorbets and even in some recipe of their cakes.

Mountain pepper is another type of herbs they have which are usually seen growing in Victoria, Tasmania. Its about five meters long and its good flavor to add if you wish to make some hot dishes. The reason why it is really spicy is because of the compound found in it which is called polygodial.

Wattle seeds are almost in every corners of Australia but you have to be careful in picking them because out of the seven hundred species there only are limited of them which they say are edible. But, if you get to see the right one then you are lucky and in for a treat since it makes roast the best roast you ever tasted.

They also have some native mint which typically is an ornamental plant. It kind of taking the Australian cooking by storm since it was generally not that popular way back not until now. They are kind of mauve colored flowers though its the leaves which are used as mint or spice on the dish.

Bush tomato are said to be a distant relative of the common potatoes. They are perennial plants and before they make use of the fruits, they have it dried on its bush. When they think its on its driest form then that is when they tend to pick them. They can be added on almost any dish there is.

Then there is the bush cherries which are usually considered as fruit and it has this pink color that is totally refreshing and its texture is really versatile. They can be eaten fresh or if you want, you may be able to serve them along with the fruit salad. They make the dessert quite extra special than it has always been which is why they have been used that often.

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